Learn the Basics of Online Poker
When you play poker, you need to understand the game’s rules and strategy. This can be difficult, and requires a lot of study and practice. Many online poker sites have tutorials that can help you learn the game. They can also teach you basic strategies, like how to read tells and how to bluff effectively. You can even learn the history of poker.
If you’re not in a hand, you should keep your eyes on everyone else at the table. This way, you’ll be able to pick up on any little tells that might help you in future hands. If a player seems to be splashing the pot every time they bet, you should flag this behavior and call over the floor man to resolve it. This will ensure that (1) other players aren’t being misled by this behavior, and (2) the action moves forward in a smooth fashion from one player to the next.
Top players fast-play the majority of their strong value hands. This helps to build the pot and scare off others who may be chasing ridiculous draws. It also minimises their losses. Essentially, it’s called MinMax: Minimise losses – Maximise wins.
Poker is a game of truth-telling, and it’s important to know how to tell the difference between an honest bluff and a bluffer. To do this, you must learn to read players and their body language. This is especially important in face-to-face games, but it’s also useful when playing online. In addition, you must be able to hide your emotions well.