What Is Online Gambling?
Online gambling is a term that covers a range of games of chance for money. These include online casinos, sports betting, virtual poker and roulette. A number of state laws regulate this activity.
Illegal Internet gambling is illegal under the Wire Act and the Illegal Gambling Business Act. There is also a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) provision that prohibits such activities.
As technology advances, gambling methods have become more innovative. This is especially true in the online gambling arena. For instance, a new trend involves live video streams. In addition, graphics and gameplay have become more creative.
In the past few years, online gambling has been on the rise. In addition to traditional casino games, you can now bet on your favorite teams or players in sports betting. Some casinos also donate tens of thousands of dollars to charities in their local community.
On the legal front, the United States has seven federal criminal statutes in play. These are the Wire Act, the Illegal Gambling Business Act, the Sports Betting Act, the Wire Obligations Act, the Lottery and Games of Chance Act, and the Interstate Commerce Act.
The United States has sued many people for their alleged involvement in illegal Internet gambling, including online casinos, poker sites, sports books and lottery operations. However, there has been very little success in resolving these cases.
Some attacks have been based on the Due Process Clause of the Constitution. Other arguments have been based on the Commerce Clause.